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Graduation Rate at UNC-Wilmington.


This graphic shows the graduation rate of UNC-Wilmington. UNCW goes beyound the class room to show the real sucuess of the University. With a 57% acceptance rate UNC-wilmington takes learning and educating students to the next level.

The Habit of habit.
By:  Charles Duhigg


This Infographic represents a chapter 3 from the book the Power of Habit. It details the information found within the chapter.  This chapter is about how to change a behavior. By knowing the trigger of the behavior and the reward. You can change any bad behavior into a good one.



History: This was created as part of coourse work com 438

Description: This is a inforgraphic from Power of Habit, chapter 3.

Professional skills: Analytical, writing, informational summery. This shows how I can quickly find key information and transfer it into a different medium so that it can be explained and understood in a new way.

Processing of Information.


Understanding information is only half the equation. Being able to read and interpret and then re-explain the information in a different medium is the other half of the problem. This is where most people have the problem and they can only regurgitate the information. In the ever changing world being able to consume information and then re-tell the information faster, easier and through a different medium opens doors and new possibilities.

History: Created to show the quility of UNCW.  

Description: This is the graduation rate of UNC-Wilmington and the job placement rate after graduation.

Professional skills:Analytical, writing, informational summery. This shows how I can quickly find key information and transfer it into a different medium so that it can be explained and understood in a new way.

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